
The target of the Arozarena Arts Association is to support Julio Arozarena’s choreographic creation. It also aims to bring artists together around creative and participative projects, to deal with the multiple facets and talents of human beings as a recipe composed of various ingredients would do: from the fusion of different contemporary artistic forms and content: dance, music, cinema, photography, painting and literature, scenic events and also conferences and exhibitions will emerge, the common denominator being a dialogue between the different art forms.

The association also gives a special place to training: it aims to organize courses, workshops, camps and artistic residencies so that professionals and non-professionals can approach and experience the mixed vision of art and creation.

Aucun de nous, en agissant seul, ne peut atteindre le succès. Nelson Mandela

Les Amis

Nous soutenir / Devenir Ami

Toute personne physique, institution ou organisation, peut intégrer le Cercle des Amis, si elle désire être en lien avec les activités de l’Association.

Cultural Mediation / Corporate Coaching

Following the model of a dance company where the members of the corps de ballet succeed in performing in harmony a choreography such as strategic alignments within your organizations, coordinating their bodies at the same rhythm and provoking a unique emotion and intense group movement, while preserving their individuality, Ballet Master Julio Arozarena aims to transpose his knowledge of this body work to reproduce an equivalent result within your company.

The objective is to enable each individual in your community (all audiences: staff, management, Board of Directors, etc.) to feel that he or she is an integral member of the company.

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